Dr. Fazle Rabbi Sadeque Ahmad

Mr. Rabbi obtained Ph.D. in Environmental Science from the University of Aberdeen, UK. He graduated with honors in agriculture from the Bangladesh Agricultural University, Mymensingh. He served as a career civil servant with the Bangladesh government for over 25 years. Upon taking voluntary retirement from the civil service, Dr. Sadeq joined the Palli-Karma Sahayak Foundation (PKSF), which is the Bangladesh government-sponsored development organization for sustainable poverty reduction through employment generation. He is currently performing the role of the Director of Environment and Climate Change Unit.
As a climate change expert, Dr. Sadeque has been a member of different national and international platforms and expert groups. During his civil service career, he was a specialist member of the climate change management core-team at the Ministry of Forest, Environment, and Climate Change. He served as a national adviser for the UN-sponsored Green Climate Fund for 2015-16; as a member of the technical committee for the national REDD strategy for Bangladesh; as an editorial team member for updating the National Adaptation Program of Action (NAPA)-2009 for Bangladesh. He was a Designated National Authority (DNA) of CDM for the government of Bangladesh and a member of the climate change negotiating committee of the United Nations Framework for Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC). He was a member of the delegation of the government of Bangladesh in different COPs.
Dr. Sadeque advises different national and international institutions on climate change issues and is an adjunct faculty at various universities in the country. He is a widely traveled development professional. He has published articles on climate change and the environment in different peer-reviewed journals of home and abroad. He has also co-authored some books on climate change and the environment.

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