Marium Begum

Marium Begum

Ms. Marium holds a Master’s degree with honors in Social Welfare from the University of Dhaka. She is a member of the Board of Trustees of the Charity Platform and currently serving as the Treasurer. Mrs. Marium Begum gained practical training in social services as part of her academic course and did several internships in…

Prof. Md. Mokhter Ahmad

Prof. Md. Mokhter Ahmad

Mr. Ahmad is a leading Islamic scholar in Bangladesh and the Vice-chair of the Charity Platform. Studied Islamic Studies at the University of Dhaka, he was an associate professor for the International Islamic University (IIUC), Dhaka Campus, for seven years. At the IIUC, Mr Mokhter used to teach Islamic banking, Islamic financial system, and Islamic…

Mohammad Abdul Qayyum

Mohammad Abdul Qayyum

Mr. Qayyum was a career civil servant in Bangladesh. Having spent over three decades in the civil service, he retired as an additional secretary. With an illustrated career in the civil service, he was the National Project Director (NPD) of the multi-donor supported Comprehensive Disaster Management Programme (CDMP)-II. CDMP-II was one of the most extensive…